
Slap on the ass...

I was recognized this year.  When I was confronted here on FL, politely, I freaked a little.  I asked this co-worker how he recognized me.  He said it took a bit of work.  He saw me at work, asked someone what my name was, looked me up on Facebook, compared pictures, and the rest is history.  He said my eyes gave me away.  I have since taken most of the matching pictures off of both these sites.    However, about 4 months ago, an acquaintance from my former biker community (to make this simple we will call him Dick) said something to me about being on one of those "sites" wink wink, he had recognized my eyes, and put 2 and 2 together as well.  We both laughed it off.  On July 26th, while at the dance hall (I am a dance-olic, just can not get enough of a good double-2, advanced-2, western swing, waltz, or polka) I was standing at the bar ordering my poison of choice and someone comes up behind me and smacks me on the ass.  Surprise surprise it was Dick!  I am sure my face registered my shock (not pain, I had my good jeans on.)  He stood there with this shit eating grin on his face, very proud of his achievement and bravado.  I pulled my lipstick out of my pocket, just to make sure it was not broken.  Then next thing I knew my open, empty hand lands full speed across the side of his face!  I vaguely remember hearing one of my male friends say "ohhh shit"!  My eyes were trained on Dick challenging him to react.  He didn't fail me, his reaction was priceless.  First shock, then anger, traveled across his face.  He recovered quickly and backed up the three yards to the table and the waiting arms of his girl slightly pissed.   I turned around to grab my beer, which was now setting on the bar and realized that my male "friends" were no longer in residence, but had all scattered in the wind.  So much for cowboys and a code of honor...  They all know I can normally hold my own, but this was Dick I just slapped and they were not confident that it was going to go over well.  Dick of all people:  biker, convict, trouble maker.... 

Dick has not been back to the bar since.

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