
New Years with Friends

I spent the New Year with my best friend in Houston.  I was so in the need to see her.  We cleaned, cooked, drank, shopped and watched about $400.00 of fireworks along with a side of cheep bubbling wine.  Some of her family came in,  I love everyone in her family, but I do have my favorites, and the favorites were the ones I got to see.  They asked about other one and hollow....mainly curious as to what happened.  Uncle Sparky has had a hard year, a few heart attacks and some issues with his diabetes and really liked hollow, and hollow liked him in return.  I let him have the bare bones, didn't want to ruin his vision of what, at one point, was a wonderful man.  I also showed off pictures of other one's fiance.  I did smile when I showed him how happy other one is.  I am happy for her, why shouldn't I smile in reaction to the beautiful images of her love and their new life.  I thought it would be hard bringing up the past, but it wasn't.    I have no animosity or pain to spend on a man that has no respect. compassion, or love for me.  

It was an exhausting and wonderful 3 days of fun with the people that I hold dear to my soul.  I packed my things up this morning, and with a heavy heart, kissed everyone good bye and headed north back home.

 I dread going back to work on Monday, it will be so hard after having been off 2 weeks.

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