

I can't blame  any one  but me for this one...
Doing some house cleaning and came across  the jewlery  box I had placed all my "cuffs and collars" in.  It dawned on me that I had either made or bought the materials to make every single one of them.   What the fuck was I thinking.  He never even bought me a collar!  He just  recycled an old one of his for my first "training" collar, but it was too big and I ended up purchasing silver chain and findings  to recreate it in a more flattering length.  The rest I made or purchased through Things Remembered....I am such a gullible goof ball.  That alone should have been a sign that he really didn't value me.

There are a few missing, but these alone probably cost me about $ 300.00.  Not that the pricetag is relevant.  However, seeing me as a valuable possession that deserved something beautiful to represent the commitment we had made is a big issue.  I will try to find a picture of the one that I made of Swarovski crystals and the replica , as well as a picture of the only "collar" he ever gave me.

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